Monday, September 30, 2019

Ethical Dilemma in Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)

Nietzsche’s claim that God is dead arouses interesting questions not only on what or who killed God but also on how human society, devoid of the long-held comfort of the polarity of ethical and moral grounds, would formulate judgements of what is real, good, or beautiful in their lives and in the world. The moral and ethical contradiction of a world where Truth does not exist is shown in the movie Glengarry Glen Rose which is an exploration of the motivations and impetus of individuals in a society where the duality good and evil have ceased to become the standards. Arguably, the film portrays the ethical dilemma in a postmodern world, notably posed by Nietzsche, who observed that the demise of the notion of absolute Truth is a double-edged sword for society. This is because the lack of clearcut and universally held concepts of what is right or wrong, while at first seems to connote freedom,   ultimately leaves a void that leads to human despair and nihilistic feelings.Adapt ed for the big screen from a play written by the movie’s director David Mamet (1992), Glengarry Glen Ross follows two days in the lives of four real estate agents who face a bleak future if they do not close a deal soon. These characters, played by a veteran and brilliant cast which includes Al Pacino (Ricky Roma), Jack Lemmon (Shelley Levene), Ed Harris (Dave Moss), and Alan Arkin (George Aaronow), are told point blank by company representative Blake (Alec Baldwin) that the company will fire every salesman except for the top two within one week. The agents, desperate to retain their jobs and continue to earn a living, commit actions that raise questions and at the same time comments on how far human beings in today’s society would go to preserve themselves and attain their materialistic dreams. In a couple of days, the characters become involved in a series of events that show how human culture has tremendously suffered from the lack of ethical and moral consideration s.Apart from capturing the apparent decay in human culture, the film is particularly concerned about the motives and assumptions that drive each sales agent’s actions and how these motives often result in clashing interests. This is evident in how the themes of truth, status, and identity are tackled based on the feelings, thoughts, and actions of the characters in the film. For instance, Blake’s character as a ruthless and unfeeling company representative is clearly intended to parody the attitude of big business when it comes to ensuring a healthy bottom line, which is clearly against the interest of its workers.On the other hand, these workers—or salespeople—are depicted as similar to Blake himself in terms of cruelty and lack of humanity. Ricky Roma, for instance, is later shown to be a heartless soul who takes advantage of the weaknesses of others to advance his objectives. Shelley Levene likewise resorts to thievery in order to close a sale and exac t vengeance on his perceived enemies. In the end, Blake’s character with its apparent inhumanity becomes less despicable as the frailties and weaknesses of other characters are exposed. Ironically, the audience is led to feel pity for such human weakness instead of being led to feel righteous. This is because the film attempts to evoke empathy in its viewers for characters who are, alas, as human as the viewers are and whose justifications for â€Å"wrongdoing† resonate with the audience.Arguably, the narrative of the movie itself is a statement against the ethics—or the lack of it—of the four real estate agents. In this sense, Glengarry Glen Ross delivers a stinging critique of how society’s sense of ethics and even the sense of morality have been replaced by materialistic desires. The story of the four salesmen, desperate and â€Å"immoral,† mirrors the realities faced by individuals in their quest for personal success and a higher social status and how this quest, ironically, often results to the further debasement of the humanity in the individual.The film, in fact, is full of such play at irony that depicts how people’s worth are not judged by society based on how â€Å"good† they live their lives but on the number of material things they possess. In this social order, humans are segregated by their class, ethnic identity, and gender which determine their ability or their eligibility for access to basic and higher needs. The film’s narrative itself, which revolves around real estate agents trying to sell dirt in its figurative and literal meaning, alludes to the way in which humans are not anymore concerned with telling the truth or with earning a living through honest ways or at least, without causing the ruin of others. Apparently, today’s world has gone beyond being immoral or corrupted to being amoral or lacking in moral standards itself.Thus, the ethical dilemma raised by the film reflects Nietzsche’s argument on the death of God, referring to the demise of society’s dualist notion of good or evil. With this death, everything that humans have come to believe in becomes subject to doubt as truth falters in its absolute hold on consciousness. In this society, even the realities of human experience—the entire spectrum of feelings and thoughts—can be questioned and examined for their validity. Human acts are therefore defined not by their conformity with accepted norms or intrinsic values but by the circumstance surrounding them. This circumstance, in turn, becomes the standard by which an act becomes socially acceptable.In Glengarry Glen Ross, the death of universal values and norms for what is good or evil meant that ethical considerations were dispensable and were useful only when the need arises. Ricky Roma’s character, for instance, engages in a monologue—which is later revealed to be a sales pitch—that shows how society and individuals have suspended all forms of judgement in favor of individuality. Accordingly, Roma’s speech, which deals with stealing, cheating, and even pedophilia in a nonchalant manner, is a tell-tale sign of the central argument made in the film: that the death of absolute Truth has entailed the death of things once cherished by humans such as the concept of love and goodness.According to Nietzsche, this has created a void in individuals who felt lost without the ethical values and concept of morality that served to anchor their lives. Instead, these ethical ideals such as Truth, were replaced by the notion that there was a multiplicity of truth depending on how these benefitted society or the individual. Ultimately, however, Nietzsche points out that this loss of a sense of ethics and morality also leads, for many individuals, to lose their sense of meaning and to despair. Thus, loneliness and desperation is pervasive in Glengarry Glen Ross; for how could me n engaged in crafting lies to their fellow humans in order to earn a living be able to live truly meaningful lives?It is therefore in portraying the ruthless and callous ways with which human beings act in a system dominated by materialistic notions of success and happiness, that Glengarry Glen Ross succeeds at brutally dissecting individual motivations and actions based on Nietzsche’s philosophy. Consequently, the film is able to provoke retrospection on what has become a reality for many individuals in a materialistic society, and to evoke the decision of whether this is a reality that is worth maintaining for the long term or one that needs to be transformed and changed to affirm the meaning of human life.Work Cited:Glengarry Glen Ross. Dir. David Mamet. Perf. Jack Lemmon, Al Pacino, Ed Harris, Alec Baldwin, Alan Arkin, and Kevin Spacey. New Line Cinema, 1992.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Resurgence of Conservatism

DBQ 15: The Resurgence of Conservatism, 1964-2005 Liberals had dominated American society for most of the 1900s. The 1960s was widely known for being the age of counterculture, social reforms, and liberals. The era witnessed many advancements like racial equality such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965, a strong advancement in political liberalism, and a significant increase in the power and influence of government-funded social programs as a result of Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society reforms.Beginning with the election of Nixon, however, followed a gradual return to conservatism whether religiously, politically, or economically. The resurgence of conservatism in American politics and government in the years 1964-2005, was caused in reaction to 1960s liberal political, economic, and social policies as well as the rise of religious political groups and the controversy over the Vietnam War. The government's political and economic policies contributed to the rise of conservatism. Most no table of the federal reforms were initiated by liberal Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson and his Great Society schemes.His â€Å"War on Poverty† speech, delivered on March 16, 1964, called for a war on poverty to give people a second chance by spending millions on education, job training, housing, and healthcare. Johnson's intention was in some ways a conservative one. He wanted to give people a hand-up, not a hand-out and make them dependent on the money earned from taxing the more fortunate (Document A). Reflecting the liberal mood of the 1960s, voters flocked to the polls to vote for Johnson because in part by their faith in Great Society programs. Johnson received 61. 1% of the popular vote and 90. % of the electoral college vote and captured all but six southern states, traditionally Democratic â€Å"solid south†, who were alienated by Johnson's advocasy for civil rights (Document B). The higher taxes involved in the Great Society programs, however, were resented by cons ervatives, who saw the social programs as a sign of the increasing government influence. Richard Nixon promised a policy of New Federalism, transfering some of the powers previously held by the federal government to the states, to counter the Great Society programs. He also apppointed four conservative justices to the Supreme Court including Chief Justice Warren Burger.Nixon and other conservatives denounced the previous court under Chief Justice Earl Warren, whose decisions drastically changed sexual freedom, the rights of criminals, and the role of religion in schools. At the representation of two Supreme Court justice nominees in 1971, Nixon stated that it is the duty of the judge to base his decisions on strict interpretation of the Constitution and not on his personal political or social views, indirectly referring to the liberal Supreme Court of Earl Warren. (Document E). By winning the presidential election of 1980, Ronald Reagan confirmed the return of modern conservatism.He received 50. 8% of the popular vote and 90. 9% of the electoral college votes (Document G). Reagan applied supply-side economics, dubbed â€Å"Reaganomics†, keeping the budget under control and reducing taxes, ultimately stimulating the economy and reducing the federal deficit. He distanced politics from the interventionist government of the 1960s, appealing to conservatives' belief of small government. Between 1981 and 1982, the economy suffered the deepest recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s, unemployment reached 11%, and several bank closings occurred.Democrats attacked Reagan's tax and spending cuts, claiming that it favored the rich and hurt the poor. However, it was actually the â€Å"tight money† policies to bring inflation under control under President Carter that caused the recession. In 1983 the recession ended, which seemed to vindicate Reaganomics. Robert Samuelson stated in â€Å"The Enigma† that Reagan's â€Å"presidency was very su ccessful† (Document H). Built-up inflation from the Carter years was gone, the economy was in its second-longest expansion since World War II, and Reagan dealt efficiently with the Soviets.His social agenda of challenging abortion and advocating school prayer was only pirsued half-heartedly. Since the nation under Reagan was going so well, it's no surprise that many Americans turned from liberalism and began to embrace conservatism, and that his effectiveness was even able to convince some conservative southern Democrats to abandon their own party and follow the president. Consequently, the failures of the policies of liberal presidents like Carter and the success of conservatives like Reagan lead to the resurgence of conservatism.The rise of religion in American politics also contributed to the growth of conservatism. The most prominent was a coalition of conservative, evangelical Christians known as the religious right. The Moral Majority, founded by Reverend Jerry Farwell, emerged to combat what they saw as an irreligious and corrupt society. They focused more on the social aspects of government than the economic concerns. They preached successfully against abortion, feminism, and the spread of gay rights and had registered between 2 and 3 million voters.By using multiple media devices like the radio and TV, televangelists were able to reach huge audiences and collect millions of dollars to support political conservative candidates. Ralph Reed stated in his book, Active Faith: How Christians Are Changing the Soul of American Politics, that the Republican's conservative and pro-life position is an important element of the party that garnered the support of millions of pro-life individuals and families in elections, and that they should not abandon their views (Document I).In 1964, representation in the House of Representatives in southern states was mostly dominated by Democrats. However, by the year 2000, the seats occupied became increasingly Republi can (Document J). Most Americans lived in the Bible Belt South and West, where religious Fundamentalism and suspicions of the federal government due to scandals like the Watergate scandal, thrived and so more Republicans than Democrats were elected into their respected offices because they appealed to the Southern citizens with their conservatism.Thus, the rise of religious and moral awareness in politics prompted many Americans to become increasingly conservative and contribute to its resurgence. Another cause for the resurgence of conservatism was the controversy over the Vietnam War. During Johnson's presidency, the war had become the longest and most unpopular war in the nation. He helped escalate the war by authorities granted to him under the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, after which he promptly sent thousands of American troops into combat. As the war wore on, many Americans became weary of it.While Johnson dreamed of a â€Å"Great Society†, his presidency was haunted by the Vietnam War (Document D). Much of the funding he hoped would expand his social reform went towards financing the war. After Nixon's Vietnamization of the war, only 30,000 American troops remained in Vietnam. The powerful federal government of Lyndon B. Johnson as depicted by the controversial Vietnam War, lead many Americans to turn their support towards conservative Republicans who championed small government and contribute to the return of conservatism onAmerican politics and government. The resurgence of conservatism in American politics and government was chiefly a reflection of the liberal 1960s and 1970s. The Moral Majority arose to denounce the irreligious movements such as the sexual and feminist movements that advocated abortion and homosexuality. The government's political and economic policies further herded Americans into conservatives' arms as the government's influence increased and Reagan's conservatist presidency proved effective.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Central Role of Entitativity in Stereotypes

Everyone has their own perception and thinking about a particular event. It is not necessary that every person perceive the similar events identically. There can be difference in the perception of different people. This is because perception portrays the thought processes of the person or it can be said that the way a person thinks is the base of what he will perceive about a particular event (Young, Hellawell and Hay, 2013). Perception designed the behaviour or the response of the person to a particular situation or stimuli. This is reason why behaviour and response of the person also differs with the difference in their personality and thinking. When many of the individual faces any situation, he used to organize the information he observes and then process it to take out an outcome. The difference in their process of aligning and assessing the information makes the people different (Walker-Smith, Gale and Findlay, 2013). There are many factors that can affect the change in perception of the people at personal life as well as on the workplace. These are the factors related to the vicinity environment of the people. As the environment changes, it may be possible that the perception of an individual towards a particular thing or event can also change (Gibson, 2014). The attitude and the behaviour of the person also results in biasness in perception. As the individual makes a perception about an event, they become bias as well. Some of the factors are discussed below that leads to distortion in the perception and biasness in the mature of the people (Broadbent, 2013): Selective perception is the first and the major factor that affect perception of the individual. Everyone receives large amount of information from the outside stimuli. It is not possible for the individual to observe everything or assesse very information (Slovic, 2016). Thus, the final behaviour of the person demands on what that person has selected to observe from the information. This selective information forms the selective perception of the person. At the same time, it is possible that another individual have selected different type of information from the same stimuli and thus have different perception from the first person (Krishna, 2012). Selective tendency lead to biasness because the individual used to observe the information according to his comfort and ideas. In this type of selection, the individual looks only for the information he believes in and thus leads to biased decisions. Another factor that can affect the perception of the individual is stereotype. It can be d efined as the generalized thinking that has been framed by an individual for a particular group of people (Chen and Tsai, 2007). When an individual judges a person belongs to a particular group than the shortcut method of stereotyping is used to make the perception. Stereotyping allow the people to manage the small amount of information available for a particular type of people. It is very simple method of evaluating others by looking for the characteristics of the group they belongs to. It is very common method to be used from making perception (Mancini, Longo, Kammers and Haggard, 2011). However, it is common does not mean that it can be accepted as the universal method and is always correct. It can develop errors or distort the perceptions from truth.   At the workplace, stereotype develops negative results. This is because the whole group is perceived to be of a particular kind only by assessing or interacting with a particular person from the group (Spencer-Rodgers, Hamilton and Sherman, 2007). It is not necessary that the person can represent the whole group by his views. There can be different views and attitude of the people in a single group as well. Sometime the perception of the individual can be made only by judging only one traits of the person. This method of making perceptions is called Halo effect. It is the effect that results in perception by only one trait of the individual and assuming that the other traits are also associated with this trait only. For example, if a girl is beautiful and attractive, the boss perceived that she is intelligent and god performer (Hu and Lindemann, 2009). Later on he realized that he is not good in typing. This is the perception error he has in his mind because of the one trait of that girl that is beauty. Halo effect creates error in the perception nada los creates biasness (Hu and Lindemann, 2009). As in the above case, the boss thinks that beauty means intelligence which is the wrong perception. Beauty is different trait and intelligence is very different. It is saying that â€Å"first impression is the last impression†. This is because when a person met another person first time, he perceives something from his personality and then it becomes his perception for that person for life time. This is not always true and thus first impression can also distort the person and create biasness. It is very difficult for the individual to change the first impression they had on another person. But that does not mean that if a person has been arrogant at the time when he was observed by another person is arrogant in nature (Sikdar and Mitra, 2012. It depends on the situation when the two people met or confront each other. There may be another reason behind such behaviour of the person. Therefore, making a perception only by judging the person’s first impression is also wrong. Contrast effect can be learnt in this context of making perception. Contrast effects are the effects that a re very different from the environment and draw the attention of other. This also helps in making or creating the perception for a person. Projection is another factor that can alter the perception of the people. The next factor that can be considered to have an impact of the perception is the projection. Projection refers to perceiving others as own. The people who believe in projection perceive the individual as what they like to perceive and what they are rather than whet that person is. This is a very wrong way of perceiving others as this have many errors. There are many implicit theories of individual that support them to have perceptions. These theories are made by tem only and this decides their way to perceive other person. These theories can be correct for one person but may get wrong for different person and thus create distortion in the perception (Nosek, Smyth, Sriram, Lindner, Devos, Ayala, Bar-Anan, Bergh, Cai, Gonsalkorale and Kesebir, 2009). Distortion in the perception is the very big issue and this needs to be overcome by the people in their personal as well as professional life. This is because distortion or wrong perception about any individual may lead to harmful effects for them. There are many ways in which an individual can improve or correct their perception process in their personal life. The first way is to improve self-perception. Self-perception is based on self-esteem and it is very personal that it cannot be judge as wrong or right (Hammi, Samp, Rà ©muzat, Auray, Lamure, Aballà ©a, Kooli, Akhras and Toumi, 2014). The individual himself has to identify the negative and positive of his perception process and then try to overcome the negative part so that this factor may not distort his perceptions. Avoiding schemata is another way to resolve this issue. Schemata means the set of information perceived or observed by the person that becomes the basis for that person to perceive others. Following the pattern every time in perceiving others result in distortion and the individual should avoid this. There are many environmental factors such as society, family etc. that affect our thinking process and perceptions towards a particular event. It is very necessary fir the person to be critical in judging these social factors that affect the thinking. This is because these factors not only provide the positive perceptions but sometimes lead to develop negative perception that may be wrong. Sometimes, the people develop their own prophecies to judge anther individual. For example, there was a biology teacher in a school who belongs to China. Students thought that he would not be a good teacher as he does not know how to speak English properly (Pronin, 2008). This was a very wrong perception made by their own assumption that he belongs to China and cannot speak good English without actually experiencing his teaching. This made their perception wrong and distorted. Better communication and intera ction making the people can resolve this issue. It is required by the people to communicate more with the people so that they can better judge them by assessing al their qualities rather than making assumptions. If two people properly interact with each other, they get to know each other better and make their perception by assessing the actual traits of the person. There will be no other environmental factor that can affect their thought process that time. If a person chooses his or her life partner, they took time to know each other rather then deciding after one meeting. This is because interacting and communicating with each there helps them to develop better understanding. It is not only in personal life but at the workplace also, this issue of distortion in perception generates. At organizational level, it is very important to have correct perception in order to make better decisions for the human resource of the organization. Any distortion in the minds of the manager about a person can lead to wrong decision of promotion or demotion and thus can affect a person’s life very badly (Pronin, 2007). At the organizations, the management of the company has to take many decisions regarding training, promotion, Pay scale etc. this decision shouldn’t be made on assumptions and should be made on assessing all the factors and the traits of the employees. The management should implement some of the strategies such as 360 degree analysis, interviews, and other evaluation techniques to judge the person. This is because these techniques where all the employees of the organization participate and all the factors of the organization are considered c an only lead to better and efficient decision. An example can be taken in order to understand the concept better. Suppose, if a manager has to choose a team leader in his team. He used the method of stereotype and selected the person who belongs to an educated family to be a team leader. This is his perception that the person belongs to a good and educated family that means he can be a team leader but in reality it was not the case. After sometime the manager realized that another person of the same team is doing very good in his work and have all the skills of leading the team (Moore and Small, 2007). This suggests that assessing the skills of the person is required to take such decision rather than the perceptions. Perception are the part of an individual’s personality and thus it is not necessary that every person always perceive things right. It is also not important that every individual behave similarly in every situation and perceive similar thing about a particular person. Distortion in the perceptions is very common practice but it should be removed by the people in order to take better decision about others. It can be concluded that every individual should assess the environment and other factors that can help in making perceptions of the people. Broadbent, D.E., 2013.  Perception and communication. Elsevier. Chen, C.F. and Tsai, D., 2007. How destination image and evaluative factors affect behavioral intentions?. Tourism management ,  28(4), pp.1115-1122. Gibson, J.J., 2014.  The ecological approach to visual perception: classic edition. Psychology Press. Hammi, E.E., Samp, J., Rà ©muzat, C., Auray, J.P., Lamure, M., Aballà ©a, S., Kooli, A., Akhras, K. and Toumi, M., 2014. Difference of perceptions and evaluation of cognitive dysfunction in major depressive disorder patients across psychiatrists internationally.  Therapeutic advances in psychopharmacology,  4(1), pp.22-29. Hu, G. and Lindemann, S., 2009. Stereotypes of Cantonese English, apparent native/non-native status, and their effect on non-native English speakers’ perception.  Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development,  30(3), pp.253-269. Krishna, A., 2012. An integrative review of sensory marketing: Engaging the senses to affect perception, judgment and behavior.  Journal of Consumer Psychology,  22(3), pp.332-351. Mancini, F., Longo, M.R., Kammers, M.P. and Haggard, P., 2011. Visual distortion of body size modulates pain perception.  Psychological Science,  22(3), pp.325-330. Moore, D.A. and Small, D.A., 2007. Error and bias in comparative judgment: on being both better and worse than we think we are.  Journal of personality and social psychology,  92(6), p.972. Nosek, B.A., Smyth, F.L., Sriram, N., Lindner, N.M., Devos, T., Ayala, A., Bar-Anan, Y., Bergh, R., Cai, H., Gonsalkorale, K. and Kesebir, S., 2009. National differences in gender–science stereotypes predict national sex differences in science and math achievement.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,  106(26), pp.10593-10597. Pronin, E., 2007. Perception and misperception of bias in human judgment.  Trends in cognitive sciences,  11(1), pp.37-43. Pronin, E., 2008. How we see ourselves and how we see others.  Science,  320(5880), pp.1177-1180. Sikdar, A. and Mitra, S., 2012. Gender-role stereotypes: Perception and practice of leadership in the Middle East.  Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues,  5(3), pp.146-162. Slovic, P., 2016.  The perception of risk. Routledge. Spencer-Rodgers, J., Hamilton, D.L. and Sherman, S.J., 2007. The central role of entitativity in stereotypes of social categories and task groups.  Journal of personality and social psychology,  92(3), p.369. Walker-Smith, G.J., Gale, A.G. and Findlay, J.M., 2013. Eye movement strategies involved in face perception.  Perception,  42(11), pp.1120-1133. Young, A.W., Hellawell, D. and Hay, D.C., 2013. Configurational information in face perception.  Perception,  42(11), pp.1166-1178.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Define the appropriate methods of communication and discuss the Essay

Define the appropriate methods of communication and discuss the challenges experienced with surgical patients - Essay Example 2). Electronic patient-controlled alert devices notify practitioners of meaningful responses from surgical patients during surgical procedures. They detect meaningful responses from patients and alert practitioners about them. Hand holding by nurses is intended to make patients comfortable in order to boost confidence, deal with pain, and reassure the patient about their own safety. Communication between patients and practitioners should be effective so that suregeons can improve surgical outcomes, promote healing, and build trust (Griffen 2007, p. 11). Some challenges experienced with surgical patients include delivering bad news, discussing informed consent, participating in shared decision making, and patient education. These challenges occur when practitioners do not have proper communication skills, or when they ignore basic communication tenets. These challenges may occur as a result of the condition of patients. They may be addressed by practitioner by sitting down when talking to patients, understanding the patient as individuals, showing respect and empathy, creating partnership, listening attentively, calming fears, eliciting concerns, being honest, educating patients on their treatment options, and involving patients (Silverman, Kurtz & Draper 1998, p.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Constractivisim Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Constractivisim - Essay Example The practice of constructing knowledge from experiences and ideas best describes constructivism. On the same note, assimilation and accommodation enhances the extent to which knowledge is constructed. It is important to note that different people have different internal representations that build diverse understanding of the world. In this respect, frameworks inform the understanding of the world differ from one person to another. The importance of this observation is that learn to create new experiences without altering their framework of understanding. This allows an individual to assimilate emerging experiences while capitalizing on what they already know. In addition, accommodation in the context of constructivism helps align reframed mental frameworks with new experiences and/or ideas (Fosnot, 2013). In so doing, individuals learn to construct knowledge from emerging trends in the world. Constructivism theory is an integral part of technological development. For example, programming languages are always changing. Such changes are subject to the influence of diverse and dynamic factors, but the common denominator is that they produce relevant knowledge that enhances the understanding of the world. Programming is notably an experience and the expression of an idea. On the same note, programming gives rise to new experiences and ideas that people choose to assimilate and/or accommodate. A key example in that regard is the use of Logo programming language, which Duffy and Jonassen (2013) essentially associate with constructivism. Most importantly, technology is a key tool in today’s instructional strategies. More and more academic institutions are increasingly embracing the use of educational technology. This shows that technology is an important factor in the construction of knowledge. Additionally, individual experiences and ideas, with assimilation and accommo dation, construct knowledge

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Report - Essay Example Almeera is more efficient than Widam in using its assets to generate revenue. In general, Almeera is more profitable. Widam has higher EPS which is an indication that it is making more money for their shareholders than Almeera. In addition, its high P/E ratio indicates that their investors are willing to pay more per dollar of earnings. Therefore, Widam is a better investment than Almeera. In conclusion, though the companies have fluctuating performance, it is clear that Widam is a better investment than Almeera because of the following reasons. First, it is relatively liquid and can meet its short-term obligations with lots of ease. Secondly, it is Widam is more efficient in its operations than Almeera and uses few assets to generate more sales revenue. Thirdly, even though Almeera is more profitable, Widam is also relatively profitable and generates sufficient returns for its shareholders. In addition, even though it uses relatively more debts, it has infinite cover for its interest expense. Finally, it makes more money for their

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Qualitative Research in management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Qualitative Research in management - Essay Example This paper will begin with An Overview of Qualitative Research. There are generally two types of researches i-e., quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative research is structured methods aiming at quantifying the data using the statistical method. They designed to prove reliability, generalizability, and objectivity. Qualitative research on the other hand, is unstructured methods seeking to give insights and understanding of problems. These two types of research are based on different concept. For instance, qualitative research is based on social sciences trying to understand and explain behaviors in particular situations while quantitative research evolved in natural since seeking to find commonly laws, which show the relationship of cause and effect. Qualitative research is a method of social study that focuses on how people think, live, and behaves. It is used in different academic disciplines as well as in social science. In addition, it is also used to gain a depth und erstanding of people attitudes, culture, feelings, values and interests and their social reality as individuals or groups. Marshall and Rossman define qualitative research as â€Å"a form of social inquiry that focuses on the way people interpret and make sense of their experiences and the world in which they live. The decision to use qualitative or quantitative research depends on the nature of issue under investigation. For example, if research aims to investigate the effect of credit supply shocks on firms financial and investment decision, then quantitative research would be more appropriate.... Marshall and Rossman (1998) define qualitative research as â€Å"a form of social inquiry that focuses on the way people interpret and make sense of their experiences and the world in which they live. The decision to use qualitative or quantitative research depends on the nature of issue under investigation. For example, if research aims to investigate the effect of credit supply shocks on firms financial and investment decision, then quantitative research would be more appropriate. However, if the objective were to explore how people respond to government announcement of cutting jobs, then qualitative research would be the best in that case. Therefore, the question of which approach is good for the study depend on the nature of the subject. Although both qualitative and quantitative research has advantages and disadvantages but qualitative research is believed to provide very rich data for analysis. The study by Punch (2005) highlights that qualitative research has advantages of be ing explorative in nature. It is because it allows researchers to explore new ideas, concepts and get new insights. There is also consensus among researchers that it helps in gathering the data in natural and reliable setting, which is not possible in quantitative research. In addition, as qualitative research focus on individuals, group etc., therefore, it helps to gain detailed and complex information about the phenomena under study. It may be because of these advantages that lead researchers to pursue qualitative research especially in social science or when the subject of study is human being (Mack et al, 2005). As mentioned earlier, that qualitative research

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My Second - Problem Base Question (EU Law) Essay

My Second - Problem Base Question (EU Law) - Essay Example Arthur would have been compensated for the damage of  £100,000 of the cabbages field. Other dimension is the present situation that 00/1271/EC Directive has not been implemented yet. Brownings Ltd. should put up this situation as an accident that results in damage to Arthur’s fields as well as the premises of Brownings Ltd. By putting the case in such manner will prevent Brownings Ltd. to pay compensation to Arthur. Under this situation both parties has to move towards the insurance organizations for the damages incurred to them. By means of regard to the straight effect of directives, the European court of justice has detained in Marshall v. Southampton AHA that orders can only be imposed against the State since art 249 EC Treaty conveys that a instruction is obligatory upon each Member State to whom it is dealt; it does not present that it trusses persons.   Consequently until United Kingdom actually applies the directive it would be iniquitous to permit it to be imposed against non-governmental bodies.   Arthur is looking for implementing the Directive in opposition to Brownings. As it is provided in the case study that Brownings is a limited organization that have possession of a large chemical works.   If one applies the three Foster criteria that are provision of a government service; under the control of the State; and having exceptional powers; to it, as Brownings obviously is not providing a state service, so due to this reason it would not be an emanation of the State.   Though the European court of justice in Kampelmann has recommended that the Foster criteria may not be cumulative, and therefore offered one of the three criteria is fulfilled, the body will be an emanation of the State.   Conversely, this fraction of the judgment may well be wrong, and it is completely practicable that the three criteria are cumulative.   Yet if they are not cumulative, it is doubtful that

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Lessons from Platos Apology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lessons from Platos Apology - Essay Example The present research has identified that the first lesson learned from the Apology relates to the nature of wisdom. After being instructed by the Oracle that he holds profound wisdom, Socrates searches throughout Athens for men of wisdom. Upon encountering one man, Socrates says, â€Å"Well, although I do not suppose either of us knows anything really beautiful and good, I am better off than he is – for he knows nothing and thinks that he knows†. Here, Socrates is demonstrating that the true wisdom is not knowledge, but the understanding that humanity is very ignorant. This is an important lesson as it is still important for the world and has strong implications for people’s daily lives. The second lesson learned from the Apology concerns the nature of established areas of knowledge. After establishing the nature of wisdom, Socrates discusses areas of art and craftsmanship. In these regards, Socrates says, â€Å"Meletus has a quarrel with me on behalf of the poe ts, Anytus, on behalf of the craftsmen, Lycon, on behalf of the orators†. While Socrates had earlier said that true wisdom is the understanding that there is no wisdom, here Socrates is indicating that the areas of knowledge of the poets, craftsmen, and orators, also know nothing. In these thoughts, I learned from Socrates that many areas of knowledge claim they have wisdom that they don’t. The third lesson learned from the Apology is that while someone might have knowledge in one area it does not necessarily mean that they have knowledge in another area. During Socrates quest to discover people of wisdom he talks to the poets. Socrates says, â€Å"I further observed that upon the strength of their poetry they believed themselves to be the wisest of men in other things in which they were not wise†. Here Socrates is saying that the poets believe that since they have poetry knowledge, they also have true wisdom about the world.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Conform Essay Example for Free

Conform Essay In other cases being beautiful is very important to many people and some are willing to change to conform to everyone else’s perspectives to beauty. Others find themselves comfortable with just the way they are. Some people decide to go into painful plastic surgeries to fit in with the rest of the so-called beautiful people; others rebel against pleasing others and don’t put so much importance to it. They focus on being on what they really are. In â€Å"Barbie Doll† by Marge Piercy and â€Å"Lost Sister† by Cathy Song Girlchild and Sister struggle with their decision on whether to rebel or conform to what society expects. Girlchild from â€Å"Barbie Doll† chooses to conform to society’s expectations. Girlchild does not consider herself beautiful because she has large nose and chubby legs. Even though she is described as smart and in good conditions, the people around her only care of how she looks physically. The requirements to be beautiful are so limited and her good features are not one of them. Physically, Girlchild does not believe herself as beautiful. Barbie dolls are the ideal form of beauty, with the perfect body, big eyes, and perfect nose. Girlchild does not carry any features of a Barbie doll but that does not mean she is ugly. Instead of finding her own way of beauty Girlchild decides to fit in. So Girlchild loses weight, changes her look, and attitude to please others. Even like that people criticize her of being imperfect all they still see is â€Å"a fat nose on thick legs† (Piercy 11). She fails to find acceptance, even after all the hard work she puts into it. To conform to everyone else she finally decides to cut her nose and legs off. This decision to fit in causes her life to end. After that the undertaker fixes her up putting on a fake nose and fixing other imperfections. At her uneral now that she carries a different nose, the so-called perfect nose, everyone finally asks â€Å"Doesn’t she look pretty? † (Piercy 23). At last she succeeds to be accepted but now it doesn’t really matter, because she is dead. In the other hand sister from the poem â€Å"Lost Sister† did not conform instead she decides to rebel. Her culture expects women to be loyal, obedient, and t o stay at home and care for their family throughout all their lives. Sister is compared to a jade stone, because like the stone women are able to do so much, but are not able â€Å"to move freely† (Song 13). In Sister’s culture women are destined to take care of their family and are not capable to achieve anything else. They also have to go through a painful process of foot binding that didn’t allow them to walk comfortably. This foot binding procedure is for women to have small cute feet. It also enables them to move fast and far. Sister does not conform to this lifestyle unlike Girchild, Sister decides to seek opportunities and equality in America. Sister leaves to another country to find freedom. In America she does not have to go through painful procedures to be accepted. She now has the opportunity to â€Å"stride along with men† (Song 36). While this is what she wants, she is still not satisfied. In America she has no family. By rebelling she gets what she wants but she is unable to share this with her family. She is unable to understand the new language. The city is nothing like where she was born; in the city there is always light and the air is not the cleanest. She starts to miss China. She realizes it wasn’t so easy after all. Even though one decides to rebel and the other to conform at the end, ironically, they are both unhappy. Girlchild is lifeless unable to enjoy her accomplishment and Sister was unable to share her freedom with her family.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Cold Chain Prospects in India

Cold Chain Prospects in India A cold storage chain is a temperature-controlled supply chain. An unbroken cold chain is an uninterrupted series of warehouse and distribution activities which maintain a given temperature range. It is used to help lengthen and make sure the shelf life of products such as marine products, frozen, fresh agricultural produce, photographic film, pharmaceutical drugs and chemicals. The chain needs to begin at the production/farm level (e.g. harvest methods, preprocessing, Pre-cooling) and cover up to the consumer level or at least to the retail level. A well managed cold chain reduces spoilage, retains the quality of the perishable products and guarantees a cost efficient delivery to the consumer given adequate attention for customer service. The main characteristic of the chain is that if any of the links is missing or is weak, the whole system fails. The Cold chain logistics and supply chain management systems infrastructure generally consists of: Pre-cooling facilities Refrigerated Carrier Cold Storages Warehousing Packaging Information Management systems (Traceability and Tracking etc.) Fig: Outline of a typical Cold Chain Some Snaps of cold storagesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Global Situation Analysis Today shippers of perishable products face an array of challenges in getting their products to market in the most efficient and cost effective manner, but lack of capacity in the logistics and warehouse service industry isnt one of them. The need for temperature controlled storage systems for storing both food and non food is increasing in many traditional and emerging markets worldwide. The producers and retailers are moving to emerging markets like Latin America and Asia, along with the changing preferences and tastes of customers in older market places, is having a strong impact on the logistics industry. This has led to high levels of investment by logistics companies and their associated suppliers as they have: They have gone for acquisition or entered into alliance with local companies for getting access to these markets They have established cold storage enabled operations in the areas to serve the growth in affluence of local consumers Simultaneously, demand for perishable products from these emerging markets is increasing, with a higher level of both perishable food and non food products being transported to the more traditional western markets of the US and Europe. This is causing problem on the already jam-packed shipping routes .Increasing volumes are leading to congestion issues at major ports of the world. Cold chain industry is showing tremendous increase in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Brazil. Total capacity for these countries for 2008 is 6,350.32 million cubic feet (179.82 million cubic meters).The industry is growing globally at approximately 15 percent (IARW Report 2009).The growth rate for China and India are higher compared to global average. Both have almost doubled their capacity in last ten years A phenomenal transformation is currently occurring that may significantly affect a multi-billion dollar global cold chain industry. The projected annual wastage of perishable products worldwide is 35 billion dollars. There are enormous opportunities for companies to distinguish themselves in the market place through effectively leveraging the upcoming technologies that improve logistics and supply chains. Most agribusinesses and Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies are not just considering process improvements of their logistics and supply chains but they are investing in and overhauling the entire business model and strategies to survive in the continuously changing competitive environment. Especially for manufacturing and retailing companies handling temperature sensitive food and non food products, the substantial challenges may be emphasized by the additional cold-chain logistics involved with effectively preserving and handling these products. Other converging and substantial problems such as fierce competition, strict government regulations and global standards for product identification, security, and tagging; and the need for enhanced traceability to improve quality and operations are influencing important transformation in the Retail and CPG industry. The implications of resisting these changes and other related upcoming challenges are potentially lost delivery channels and a weakened competitive position. By allowing information computing power available anywhere and anytime, companies can more quickly adjust to these challenges and the continuously changing external environment. Apart from this, they can considerably improve what they deliver, how they operate, and potentially their profitability. Indian Situation Analysis The Indian cold chain industry is very large and estimated to be around Rs 10,000 to 15,000crore, which is growing at a rate of about 20-25 percent and is expected to touch Rs 40,000crore by 2015.It was about a century ago this Industry came into existence. In India majority of cold storage facilities are under-utilized or completely unused for most of the year. There is a large gap of around 60% in cold storage infrastructure and 80% in mobile cold storage facilities like refrigerated trucks and rail wagons. By the year 2012, the cold chain industry expects to see a huge capacity addition as there is an expected increase in the cold storage investment. Current status of cold storages in India: The cold storage infrastructure in India was built way back in 1960s mainly for potatoes and potato seeds and even the investments in cold storage were very less during that time. Nationwide provider of cold storage facilities is nonexistent at that time. The number of cold storages in India is about 5316 and the total capacity is around 23333694 mTs. The number of Private sector cold storages in India account for 4820 with a capacity of 222343607mTs, cooperative sector 363 numbers with 989445 mTs, Public sector account for 133 numbers with a capacity of 100642 mTs. The existent cold storage facilities mainly serve the potato products. There is a lack of facilities such as cold storage vegetable, cold storage fruits, cold storage tamarind, cold storage fish, cold storage meat, and cold storage milk and dairy products.. Cold storage services are available for only 10% of the produce. In India Transportation of fruit and vegetables through cold chain is almost negligible, whereas in US it is around 80-85% in the US and for Thailand it is around 30-40%. In India, due to the current inefficiencies in the supply chain around Rs 1 lakh crore worth of fruits and vegetables are wasted every year. Cold chain in India -Reality: Modern Post Harvest Management is non existent Lack of World Class Integrated Cold Supply Chain Across the Country and also Isolated Stores without Logistics Support Using Services of Cold Stores with Archaic Storage Technology The cold storage facilities are used mainly for low value products like potatoes The present cold storage facilities lead to Loss of quality and hence value of the perishables The duration time for storage largely influenced by the market imbalances India cold chains potential and opportunities: India is the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world which contributes for about 10% of the total fruit production in the world. India is the largest producer of fruits (32mT anually) in the world, which is about 8 per cent of the global production; India is also the second largest producer of vegetables in the world (first being China), producing around 71 mT anually, which is about 15% share in the world market. The key area in India is Food processing and it processes about 1.3% of its total fruits and vegetable where as it is 80% in USA, 70% in France, 80% in Malaysia and 30% in Thailand. To become a top exporter and processor of fruits and vegetables, India needs a high quality cold chain. Due to lack of cold storage facilities and energy infrastructure about 40 percent of the fruits and vegetables grown in India (40 mT worth $13 billion) gets wasted every year, which is huge enough to feed countries like Brazil and Vietnam. The reason for this huge wastage is the wide gaps that are existing in the cold chain and there is no well equipped cold chain for the preservation of fruits and vegetables. The Infrastructure for Cold chain is not existing for the produced capacities and same is the case with storage, also these close storage facilities are not available close to the farms, in addition to these the transportation (temperature controlled) is also inefficient. So it is important to establish world class cold storage logistics, which play a crucial role in reducing the global foods shortage by eliminating wastages, which would provide us enough scope to feed many parts of the world. The major initiatives which government of India has taken to improve this sector are Allowing 100% Foreign direct Investment Provided full excise duty exemption on cold chain refrigeration equipment (consisting of compressor, condenser units, evaporator), which reduced the costs substantially by around 16%. These policy initiatives taken by the government have signalled the existing cold chain majors in India to setup their own back-end logistics. Existing Players in India The Leading Cold chain companies in India with established cold chain infrastructure are as follows: Container Corporation of India (Concor), Indraprastha Cold Chain, Glacio Cold Chain. Bulaki Deep Freeze Snowman Refcon Carriers Kausar Gatia Gateway Distiparks R.K. Foodland Adani Group Future Group Bharti ITC Reliance Godrej Tata Cochin. Mumbai, Delhi International airports Aditya Birla Group Apollo Everest kool Solutions The existing players are taking major steps in expanding their capacities, which are as follows: Snowman and Kausar, two major names in the cold chain Industry have been bought over. Gatia ,a logistics company in Hyderabad acquired Kausar India, Gateway Distiparks, the Transportation logistics major acquired a controlling stake in Snowman Frozen Foods.The Future Group has carried backward integration, from food retailing to storage and transportation; with the launch of Future Logistics. Ahmadabad based Adani Group revamped its cold chain logistics facilities recently. Major players like Bharti, ITC, Reliance, Aditya Birla Group, Bharti the Godrejs, the Tatas and the Future Group has announced billion dollar investments which offer a ready market for third-party cold chain logistics players. Apart from the Global giants and the Indian corporate the airport infrastructure companies and the railways are also planning to build refrigerated warehouses and perishable products cargo centres across the country in capture the share in the booming retail sector. The major airports like Cochin International Airport, Mumbai International Airport, Delhi International Airport and Greenfield international airport projects such as Bangalore and Hyderabad are also setting up refrigerated warehouses for perishable cargoes next to the airports and started to tap the cold chain market. Cochin International Airport is building a state-of-the-art centre for perishable cargo, which can handle about 40,000 million tonnes perishable cargo annually and which would help the farmers of the state who are cultivating such products.Apollo Everest Kool Solutions, which is a joint venture of Spire Group and Apollo has plans to set up at least 15 temperature-controlled warehouses in India. The other major companies showing interest in cold chain market in India include Snowman Frozen Foods (sold out), a joint venture between, Nichirei Logistics Group, Mitsubishi Corp Gateway Distiparks. Fresh and Healthy Enterprises has set up a 100 per cent subsidiary for cold ch ain logistics with an initial capacity of 12,000 tonnes at Rai in Sonepat, Haryana and has further plans to expand it to over a dozen cold storages in the near future, Apollo-Everest Cool Solutions a joint venture formed by the Delhi-based Apollo Tyres and the Spire Group of Canada have plans to construct 15 temperature-controlled warehouses in India with an investment of $250 million; Adani Agrifresh one of the Top retail chain sold its retail business to start a cold storage supply chain for fruits and vegetables in over a dozen top cities of the country. Cold Chains in Different Industries Special features of Indian Cold chain market for important product segments are given in the table below. Product Characteristics Potato Amounts upto 90% of existing cold storage capacity Chocolate High outsourcing demand. Seasonal-Large variation in peak and non-peak demand. No dominant player among service providers Poultry All the market is captured by Snowman and RK Food-both pan India players Fruits Vegetables Predictable, Stable and High demand throughout the year. No dominant player in the market. Market dominated by Domestic players. More than 60% demand met by small/ local/regional players Dairy products (Butter Cheese) High demand throughout the year. Major players not very active Significant share of small players Ice Cream -Seasonal High demand in peak season High growth 35% demand shared by small players The major products are Potato, apple which contributes Rs 16050 million to the cold chain market. Other products are: Segment Value(Million) Imported Fresh Fruits Vegetables 1.67 Exports By sea (Seafood, Meat, Poultry, Fruits Vegetables) 46 Chocolate Industry 2 Dairy Industry 2.67 Meat Poultry (domestic) 1.33 Ice-cream Industry 4.9 Processed potato 4.45 Emerging segments (flavoured milk/yoghurt) 13.33 Cool Chain Transportation 40 Source: Global AgriSystem Ltd Cold Chain in Pharmaceutical Industry In the pharmaceutical supply chain, the chain members have different requirements to meet for material handling, warehousing, storing, packaging and distributing the pharmaceutical products which are sensitive to the environment. The ideal pharmaceutical cold chain should be capable of dealing with changing product portfolios, the requirements for Good Storage and Distribution Practices, current regulatory trends, quality management, risk assessment factors, and temperature monitoring. Pharmaceutical cold chain trends: Manufacturers are being held responsible for any defects in the product in cold chain management. E.g. determining, maintaining and monitoring temperature levels during shipment. The management and control of environmental factors across the supply chain is being given greater emphasis. E.g. Vacuum packaging , Transportation choices in cold chain, etc. Temperature control and monitoring is being employed to reduce the risks and increase efficiency. 36% of all major and critical defects registered by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency during 2003/2004 were related to the control and monitoring of storage and transportation temperatures. Heightened priority of patient safety due to the presence of multiple uncontrolled variables in the distribution process, developing an appropriate temperature and humidity monitoring program is essential to protect the quality of environmentally sensitive pharmaceutical product and ensure patient safety. Increased Importance of the Pharmaceutical Cold Chain In 2003, out of the $400 billion products, 10% were biopharmaceuticals. The biopharmaceutical markets compound annual growth rate(CAGR) was 21% which was notably more than the roughly 11% CAGR of the traditional pharmaceutical market in the period 1999 to 2003The biopharmaceuticals are highly sensitive to temperature. This increases the importance of the pharmaceutical cold chain. The standard procedures normally followed in the cold chain are: Information of shipping configuration and the type of packaging used, should be declared. In the labeling part, the storage rules and particular precaution that should be taken should be included. Mode of transportation should be approved by respective authorities. The finished products in the shipment are verified to check any tampering or damaging of the containers. The manufacturer should obtain the evidence that the requirements for shipping e.g. temperature control have been fulfilled. Some important aspects of Pharmaceutical cold chain are: Some leading logistics companies and carriers which have sophisticated infrastructure e.g. electronic tracking, online export documentation provide can assists the shipping party. In cold chain, the use of refrigerated warehouses, refrigerator trucks, refrigerated containers, refrigerated ships and refrigerator cars is common. Another important facility required is the insulated shipping containers or other specialized packaging. The role of Temperature data loggers and RFID tags is to help monitor the temperature history of the warehouse or truck etc. and also the temperature history of the product being shipped. They also help in determination of the remaining shelf life of product. The key part is documentation. There are set of rules for each step in the chain to maintain proper records. Incomplete or Inaccurate paperwork in customs can lead to delays. So all the established protocols should be followed e.g. number of copies and other information details. Quality Management Process (QMP) and Risk Assessment Process (RAP) Factors to be considered for the QMP may include but are not limited to the: Organization, roles and responsibilities, process, trained resources, implementation plan, compliance change control, on-time delivery of right product, quality metrics, continuous enhancements, and monitoring customer satisfaction. Areas to be assessed in RAP include: Compliance with regulations, guidances and quality standards product profile, physical and chemical stability environment (temperature Mapping, temperature control, temperature and humidity monitoring), mode of transportation (ground, air, sea), shipment destination (domestic, export), package (primary and secondary), people (standard operating procedure, training, communication, documentation, recognizing, addressing, correcting adverse events, and change controls). TMS- Temperature Monitoring System The determining factor of a temperature monitoring system (chemical, mechanical or electronic) is the amount of information required. Generally the temperature monitor equipment is the main part of the Cold chain system. If the suppliers are having the infrastructure for high quality checks, the firm may use more complex, precise and sophisticated temperature data loggers which provide all the relevant information in prescribed format. The data includes record of temperature and humidity including time and date as well as specific identification. All equipment used for recording, monitoring and maintaining temperature and humidity conditions should initially be validated and thereafter calibrated on a regular basis. The certifications are provided by the leading suppliers in the industry indicating the grades about the quality required for the monitoring. Cold Chain in Floriculture Industry Flowers are perishable in nature. It is observed that small temperature differences can bring about very significant flower quality changes. There is a negative effect on the useful life of the flowers with the increase in temperature in transportation. It is further affected by increase in the duration for which the flowers were exposed to such high temperature. In India, due to inadequate cold-chain management, the postharvest losses are very high. The estimated losses are 40%, depending upon the commodity at various stages. Flowers should be cooled to temperature ranging in 330 F to 410 F without any delay. Higher temperatures not only reduce the useful-life but also increase the respiration-rate. It is found that the respiration of cut flowers increased exponentially with increase in storage temperature. Proper cold-chain management of flowers improves the flowers marketability. Cold storage enables quality stems to be held for longer periods before sale and ensures that the flow ers still have a good shelf life(called as vase life ) when they reach the market-place. Cold Chain in Dairy Industry: Amul Case Study Life cycles of various product lines of Amul are different, for example products like milk, lassi and flavored milk needs to be refrigerated from procurement, processing to end distribution stage. Milk is procured from regional cooperative societies or contract procurers. Pasteurization, refrigeration and packaging are done in regional centers itself. These centers are fully owned by Amul in some places and outsourced in other places. Thirty to forty SKUs of packaged milk, flavored milk and other similar products are supplied in plastic crates filled with ice for end mile distribution to the nearest market i.e. different parts of cities, suburbs and even to rural areas. Since crates are small loading and unloading is done manually, so it does not require complex equipments. Empty crates are brought back as a part of Reverse Logistics for next day dispatching of milk. For ice creams, Srikhand, Butter and other such products High-Tech refrigerated transportation system is used. Amul is first mover in India for tetra packed milk products. It sells these under the brands Amul Sakthi and Nutramul. It has also introduced products like cold coffe, butter milk and Lassi in tetra packs. These have a life span of six months to one year. These do not require cold storage facilities and delivered in corrugated boxes in combination with stretched plastic. Amul has the largest cold storage network in India (more than 18000 facilities). Challenges Issues Cold storage industry is facing following challenges 1. Lack of Uniform Technology standards: There is lack of uniform electronic and bar code standards. International standards vary widely, and domestic standards are almost as disparate, creating unnecessary paperwork and profit-eating delays. 2. Consolidation: The trend toward consolidation sprung from the growing tendency for warehouses to act as shipping venues, as well as the entry into the market by warehouse holders. Though consolidation spurred overall industry growth, smaller warehouses have struggled to compete with larger industry players. 3. Capital Investment and Technology: The cold chain Storage and logistics is a capital-intensive industry (investment for refrigeration equipments and real estate) with a large capacity cold storage chain has a high payback period of around five years.    4. Incumbency advantages independent of size: Existing players like Snowman have built expertise by operating in this industry for longer periods in time use imported hi-tech equipment, which new entrants find difficult. 5. Economies of scales: It is a largely untapped, fragmented full of unorganized small size players. No player has achieved economies of scale and thus a new a new entrant with deep pockets can enter this industry and still be at a major cost advantage. 6. Human Capital and Domain Skills: It requires skilled human resources for operating and controlling the cold storage facilities. Lack of technically qualified employees is also one of the hindering factors for Indian cold storage industry. 7. Lack of logistical Support: Small land holdings remain a challenge because it requires multiple farm gate collection centers. Also Fragmented cold chain industry has not encouraged the growth of cold logistics for horticulture produce. Standard refrigerated systems are inefficient and poorly designed. Also, domestic market for fresh perishable produce is underdeveloped. 8. Uneven Distribution of cold stores: Available capacity is mostly focused on single commodities. Problem of financial viability is also their due to seasonality. Other pertinent issues are 1. Erratic power supply 2. High operational costs and low yield models. 3. High insurance/ Risk coverage premiums. 4. Large gap in demand supply conducive to small unorganized service providers. 5. Government tax and commercial regulations. Role of Government Government policy acts as a catalyst in this industry. Following are the salient features of Government policies for cold storage sector: 1. Encourages Investments Agri food is identified as priority sector. 2. Encourages organized sector- ECB route opened, Import duty relaxed. 3. Liberalizes Marketing Norms- Focus on increased retail, improved supply chain. 4. Rationalizes Tax Laws- Moving towards uniform VAT/GST. 5. Provides Grants and subsidies- VG funding, Grants, Infrastructure status 6. Eases foreign investment- 100% FDI in food sector. ECB for cold chain. Government of India Initiatives 1. Excised waved on FV, meat preparations, ice-cream, other RTE food mixes. 2. Automatic approval for 100% foreign equity in processed food items. External commercial borrowing opened (except in beer, alcohol etc.) 3. Priority lending status; Duties reduced on imports; Zero service tax on installations. 4. EOI floated for 30 mega food parks- allocated US $ 1.02 billion by 2012. Objective of the scheme is to provide backward and forward linkages as well develop reliable and sustainable supply chain. 5. GOI initiating National Highway Development Program and partnering with Indian railways to establish cold chain infrastructure. Indian railway is planning to invite private parties to run refrigerated container trains for transporting agricultural products across the country. 6. Integrated food law(FSSA) notified and ready for implementation. 7. Task force on Development of cold chain established and national centre for Cold Chain Development (NCCD). In Budget 2011- Cold chain Industry Industries like fertilizer and cold-storage chains will benefit, with capital investment in fertilizer being treated as infrastructure investment. Hyderabad based express distribution and supply chain solutions provider Gati logistics has said the endowment of infrastructure status to cold-storage chains logistics in the Budget will help in realizing its plans to build cold storage units across the country. Gati is setting up 10 cold storage plants across the India at an investment of about Rs 200 crore in the coming four years.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Comparing Hate in The Jewel in the Crown and Wuthering Heights :: comparison compare contrast essays

Hate in The Jewel in the Crown and Wuthering Heights While reading the two works, The Jewel in the Crown and Wuthering Heights, it was impossible to miss the blatant prejudice. The terms used to describe other races were offensive, I also noticed the treatment of many of the characters because of their skin color. One of the novels was set in 1801 and the other in 1942 still they both illustrate horrid prejudices. Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights is a classic novel from the 1800's. It was shocking at first to read about the Gypsy boy that Mr. Earnshaw brought home referred to as." a gift of God, though it's as dark almost as if it came from the devil." (Pg 28. Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Norton Critical ed. 3rd ed. Ed William M. Sale, jr., and Richard J. Dunn. New York: W.W. Norton, 1990) Not once in the first meeting of this child did they call him a child or even as him they referred to him as "it" (Pg 28,29. Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Norton Critical ed. 3rd ed. Ed William M. Sale, jr., and Richard J. Dunn. New York: W.W. Norton, 1990) When Mr. Earnshaw was explaining why he brought the boy home he used phrases like "seeing it starving" "inquired for its owner" and "whom it belonged". (Pg 29. Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Norton Critical ed. 3rd ed. Ed William M. Sale, jr., and Richard J. Dunn. New York: W.W. Norton, 1990) The horrible way the people thought about the Gypsy child Heathcliff offended me at first and then I remembered the period of the novel. That was unfortunately, standard practice for the era although despicable normal for the era. The trend continued for one hundred years because the novel The Jewel in the Crown had the same tones about the Indian people in the novel. Lady Chatterjee was not allowed in a club because she was an Indian. (Pg 106 Scott, Paul. The Jewel in the Crown. [1996.] Vol. 1 of the Raj Quartet. Rpt. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.) Many times in this novel, as well there are blatant prejudices. Sister Ludmila felt it "an unnatural context the attraction of white to black, the attraction of an opposite" of a white woman and an Indian (black) man. (Pg 150 Scott, Paul. The Jewel in the Crown.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

baseball history :: essays research papers

A Brief History of Baseball: Part I: Origins of the Game Unlike professional basketball and football, interest in baseball has not been sweeping the globe . Declining participation at the amateur level and protracted labor problems at the professional level have thrust "America's Pastime" into an era of uncertainty. Despite this current adversity, baseball will always occupy an important place in American culture. This column starts a three part look at the history of baseball. Most cultures have some sort of stick and ball game, cricket being the most well-known. While the exact origins of baseball are unknown, most historians agree that it is based on the English game of rounders. It began to become quote popular in this country in the early 19th century, and many sources report the growing popularity of a game called "townball", "base", or "baseball". Throughout the early part of that century, small towns formed teams, and baseball clubs were formed in larger cities. In 1845, Alexander Cartwright wanted to formalize a list of rules by which all team could play. Much of that original code is still in place today. Although popular legend says that the game was invented by Abner Doubleday, baseball's true father was Cartwright. The first recorded baseball contest took place a year later, in 1846. Cartwright's Knickerbockers lost to the New York Baseball Club in a game at the Elysian Fields, in Hoboken, New Jersey. These amateur games became more frequent and more popular. In 1857, a convention of amateur teams was called to discuss rules and other issues. Twenty five teams from the northeast sent delegates. The following year, they formed the National Association of Base Ball Players, the first organized baseball league. In its first year of operation, the league supported itself by occasionally charging fans for admission. The future looked very bright. The early 1860s, however were a time of great turmoil in the United States. In those years of the Civil War, the number of baseball clubs dropped dramatically. But interest in baseball was carried to other parts of the country by Union soldiers, and when the war ended there were more people playing baseball than ever before. The league’s annual convention in 1868 drew delegates from over 100 clubs. As the league grew, so did the expenses of playing. Charging admission to games started to become more common, and teams often had to seek out donations or sponsors to make trips.

I Am Committed to Becoming a Historian :: Statement Purpose College Admissions

I Am Committed to Becoming a Historian As a Ph.D. student in U.S. history, I would like to continue to explore the intersections of culture and economics in U.S. history, especially as they relate to working-class life and consumption. Although I am now committed to becoming a historian, my academic background has been quite varied. Disillusioned with the often reductionist truths of physical science, I transferred from the School of Engineering to State College after my first year. As an undergraduate, I not only majored in history, but also concentrated in mathematics, especially as it related to economics. For a year, I acted as an economic research assistant, and, following that, I worked on a joint project with the Federal Reserve Bank and the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) doing empirical research in labor economics. During the summer after my junior year, I received a research grant from Columbia, the Edwin Robbins Prize, for my senior thesis: "New York Organized Labor and Prohibition Resistance: The 'No Beer, No Work' Movement of 1919." A forgotten moment in labor history, it was a fascinating intersection of culture, gender, and class, examining the untidy boundary between "economic" and "social" life. Some local trade-unionists co-opted a catchy slogan, "No Beer, No Work," with the intent of fomenting a national general strike, attempting to save the saloon, galvanize class consciousness, and lead workers into a labor party. The strike more than failed; it never occurred. However, teasing out the relationships between the primary documents excited me like nothing I had ever done before. Though I continued to work at the Federal Reserve the following year, I knew the historian's methods, and not the economist's, were what I wanted to pursue in my graduate work. This year I received a Fulbright Scholarship to research working-class history at the University of Toronto. Presently, my research centers on the rise of Canadian nationalism in Toronto within U.S.-dominated unions after WWII. I examine how anti-Communist discourses restricted and/or enabled nationalist movements within the union hierarchy, and how that affected transnational power relations and local economic/political action. My abstract is under consideration for a conference on transnationalism, Crossing Borders, to take place in February at the University of Toronto. I also plan to present a paper, based on my senior thesis, on working-class resistance to Prohibition at the "New Frontiers in Graduate History" conference at York University in March.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Rocket Boys

â€Å"The Rocket Boys† Homer Hickam Jr. For my reading assignment, I chose â€Å"The Rocket Boys† by Homer Hickam Jr. It is an autobiography written more like a fiction novel about a high school aged boy, Homer, who lived in a coal mining town named Coalwood. His father ran the coal mine and wanted his son to follow in his footsteps but Homer did not want to become a miner. He wanted to grow up to be a rocket engineer. Homer and his father were never great friends and this built tension between them all the way through Homer’s high school years.This passion for rockets began while Homer was watching the Russians launch a satellite into space for the first time ever. He started to learn about rockets and with a group of friends, he started to grasp the concept of rocket building. After some months of fighting for materials and a place to launch these rockets, the coal company allowed them to launch on an abandoned coal yard outside of town. For three years Homer a nd his friends launched better and better rockets, able to reach up to five miles in the sky! In their senior year they entered the county science fair and won all the way to nationals with the help of their whole community.Homer’s successes pleased his father; they both finally were happier and moved on. Homer ended up at NASA after joining the Army for the Vietnam War. He is still alive today. A particular passage in the book I find appealing is found on pages forty and forty-one: â€Å"All that fall, the Welch Daily News and the Bluefield Daily Telegraph were filled with stories of our American scientists and engineers at Cape Canaveral in Florida, desperately working to catch up with the Russians. It was if the science fiction I had read all my life were coming true.Gradually, I became fascinated by the whole thing. I read every article I could find about the men at the Cape and kept myself pinned to the television set for the latest on what they were doing. I began to h ear about one particular rocket scientist named Dr. Wernher von Braun. His very name was exotic and exciting. I saw on television were Dr. von Braun had given an interview and he said, in a crisp German accent, that if he got the go ahead he could put a satellite into orbit within thirty days. The newspapers said he’d have to wait, that the program Vanguard would get the first chance.Vanguard was the United States’ International Geophysical satellite program, and von Braun, since he worked for the Army, was somehow too tainted by that association to make the first American try for orbit. At night before I went to sleep, I thought about what Dr. von Braun might be doing at that very moment down at the Cape. I could just imagine him high on a gantry, lying on his back like Michelangelo, working with a wrench on the fuel lines of one of his rockets. I started to think about what an adventure it would be to work for him, helping him to build rockets and launching them into space. †This passage describes when Homer started to think about how much he liked rockets and how Dr. von Braun started to become Homer’s hero. It mentions how Homer just notices Dr. von Braun’s name and automatically takes an interest in the scientist because of how exotic it was which foreshadows the fact that Homer will have a growing interest in Dr. von Braun. Homer’s admiration for the scientist grew considerably when Dr. von Braun said that, if allowed, he could have a satellite in space in thirty days. This made Homer think of him as an aeronautical hero and that is how he thought about him for the rest of his life.The author used creative references, like when Homer would lie in bed and think about what Dr. von Braun was doing. He thought that he was like Michelangelo, high up on a gantry underneath his â€Å"art† or his rocket fixing something with his wrench like Michelangelo was fixing something under the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling with his brush. This thought made Homer think about how great it would be to be doing that alongside of the great Dr. von Braun. This important passage shows what Homer Jr. ’s main interest will be for the rest of his life. The most difficult choice Homer had to make was what he wanted to do in life.All through high school Homer wanted to please his father but also wanted to do what he wanted to do. His father wanted Homer to become a mining engineer after Homer expressed an interest in engineering; he really wanted Homer to take over his work after he retired. Homer said to him that he didn’t really know what an engineer did but that all he wanted to do was build rockets. His father kept pressing Homer, explaining that coal mining was the life of their country and Homer would be doing his country an honor by running a coal mine. Homer had always wanted the respect from his father hat his father gave to Homer’s brother and coal mining would get him that respect but his dream was to build rockets in Cape Canaveral. Homer was torn but he knew in his heart that he was going to follow his dream, despite whatever his father said. Interestingly, because this book is an autobiography that contains an epilogue, the reader learns about the character at the end of the book and later in life. At the end of the book, Homer was physically the same as the beginning; Homer was in good health since there was no mention of his physical health changing, unlike his father, whose lungs were turning black and infected from mining.Homer was emotionally much better at the end of the book. After years of struggling, Homer figured out who he was and what he was going to: this issue was summarized powerfully on page three hundred seven, â€Å"Standing under the apple tree where Daisy Mae was buried, I realized I didn’t have to envy them anymore: I also knew now who I was and what I was going to do. That was when almost as if someone had pulled a string, my stomach and head stopped hurting. † Socially, Homer always seemed fine. He had a great group of friends- â€Å"the rocket boys†- throughout the story.By the end of the book, his social circumstances were even better as Homer was regarded as almost a small town hero in Coalwood after winning the science fairs. He still had a great group of friends that he was with since before and during high school and the community liked him and his friends a lot; this most evident after listening to the people watching the boys drive to their last launch: â€Å"Some people saw the rocket sticking out of the window, and shouts of encouragement rang out. ‘The rocket boys, hoo! ’ ‘We’re proud of you boys! ‘A-OK, all systems go! ’. † People from all over the county respected the boys, especially Homer. Homer was in great shape at the end of the book- physically, emotionally, and socially, having stayed true to what he wanted to do, and sticki ng with his friends. Personally, I like Homer. He tries to please everyone he knows with whatever he does. He seems genuine and puts a lot of work into everything he does. One thing I noticed about Homer that is most admirable is that he did not give up when he needed something.If he needed to get supplies for his rockets, he would do whatever he could to get them. He would trade for supplies, do work for people, camp in the woods for a week, and dig steel out of the ground to sell. Homer did have some bad moments when he got tough and arrogant but whenever he did, someone knocked him back into his place and he realized what he was doing. Considering all of these things, I would like to be friends with Homer and would really enjoy being a â€Å"rocket boy†. â€Å"The Rocket Boys† title signifies the main point of the book.It explains that the book is about a group of boys who are somehow connected to rockets, whether they have an interest, they like to fly them, or any thing else with rockets involved. I think a better title to the book could be â€Å"Leaving Coalwood† because the story emphasizes all of the reasons not to stay in Coalwood but to leave and pursue one’s dreams. It also signifies the rockets themselves when they blast off and go high up in the sky, leaving Coalwood behind and seeing the world from above before falling back to Coalwood.The ending of â€Å"The Rocket Boys† is very effective given the resolution of the tension that was prominent throughout the book. Homer’s final launch brought many people to Cape Coalwood, including Homer’s father. Homer let his father launch their last and best rocket ever that exploded the launch pad and flew to six miles in the sky. Homer’s father jumped around, happy and excited, very proud of his son. Homer’s father was finally showing just how pleased he was for his son’s success, something Homer longed for. Since this story had such a happ y, exciting, and true ending, it is hard to change it.If I had to change it, another ending might be that the tension was not completely cleared up between Homer and his father. Homer’s father wouldn’t have come to the launch, and even though he was slowly getting used to the fact that Homer wanted to leave Coalwood and work with rockets. In the changed ending, he still wasn’t happy that Homer wouldn’t take over his job. This ending leaves the possibility for a sequel, following up on the continued tension as Homer became an adult and a successful NASA scientist.While I thought the actual ending to â€Å"The Rocket Boys† was effective and good, having a new ending would also create new possibilities. I would recommend this book to someone who relates to this book in many ways. My father is one of those people who are always interested in learning about things, and how they work. This book is all about how Homer learned about how rockets work and ho w to build them. My father loves to build things and always wanted to become a carpenter, which is what he did.His parents wanted him to go to college to work as a company executive like his dad and he never told them he wanted to become a carpenter. After struggling to decide whether or not to tell them, wondering if they would be mad or not, he told them, and to his surprise, they were fine with it. This isn’t exactly like Homer’s struggle with his father where it was external conflict, but internal. I think my father would relate to Homer’s struggle. In addition, my father would enjoy the technical story of the building of the rockets and all of the excitement that this story provides.Overall, I like this book a lot. I thought the book I was going to have to read for this reading assignment was going to be boring and long. I was completely wrong! I did not want to stop reading this story. I thought it was a very well written autobiography that isn’t ju st filled with facts and dates, but is filled with rich information from the exciting adventures with Homer and his rocket boys. This was one of the best reading assignment books I have ever read; in fact, one of the best books I have ever read.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Continuous Story Writing Essay

I saw her lying on the floor in a pool of blood, her eyes still opened but rolled back. My sight of her became blurred, I noticed after awhile. Wet, hot tears were starting to roll down my face. I could not catch my breath. My body quivered, I was beginning to fall. The last thing I remembered was a tattered book lying on the floor a few centimeters from her hand. It was a bright sunny Friday morning. The birds were singing, rays of sunshine shone into my room and the air was fresh with a tint of rosemary and pine. March the 15th, the day of my ballet recital. Today will be the best day of my life, I thought dreamily. I made my way down the stairs and was greeted by my mom with a wide smile on her face. A sumptuous breakfast was laid out for me. On the table were my favorite peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, scrambled eggs, hotdog tortillas and a cup of refreshing orange juice. I took my time to enjoy my breakfast and when I was done I made my way to my ballet studio, excited to start my day. â€Å"One two three, one two three, twirl and smile, one two three, one two three..† 26 graceful ballerinas were dancing and prancing, smiling sweetly back at me. Each move we made were precise and synchronized. I couldn’t help but glance at my gracefulness in the crystal clear mirrors. This was my time to shine. I gave a finishing double pirouette and the famous swan lake pose as the closing to my ballet recital. That smell of cherry blossom lip gloss and fresh roses filled the room. You could feel excitement, joy and nervousness all at the same time in the atmosphere. Ballerinas were busy having their make up done, their hair nicely done up into a tight bun, going through their steps in their minds all at the same time. Every performer had glitter on their faces, but the glow that was radiating from their faces was what made them exceptionally beautiful on this very day. In just a matter of an hour’s time I was going to be on that big, wide, cold stage. I was going to be speculated by hundreds of people. The thought was almost too overwhelming for me but thankfully the thought of my mother being there in the audience comforted me. I was going to make my mother really proud. I was determined. â€Å"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Grace ballet studio’s annual ballet recital. Please take your seats and prepare yourself for the long-awaited swan lake adaptation by our very own ballerinas,† announced the master of ceremony of the evening. I was getting butterflies at that moment. I opened the curtains ever so slightly just to see if my mother have arrived. I scanned and scanned through the seats but she was no where to be found. â€Å"Jolie, hurry, it’s almost timed!† I was pulled by the hand and brought to the position where I was supposed to enter from behind the thick red curtains. â€Å"Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you have all been waiting for, please welcome the shimmering ballerinas of Swan Lake† With each step I took, each movement I made I pranced and danced gracefully on the wide stage. The spotlight was mine for a little while and then my friends came in through the sides of the curtains and joined me. All 26 of us compliment ed each other with every move we made. Our first act ended with never ending applause by the crowd. They loved us! During the intermission I got changed into my second costume. This time I had a tiny tiara on my head. Everyone’s makeup was redone and everyone was so hectic that I didn’t even get the chance to take a peek through the curtains to see where my mom was seated. I took a deep breath. â€Å"I can do this. Mommy will be cheering me on.† I stood up, straightened my costume and got ready for the second act. The smell of roses, that dazzling smile on my face, together with the standing ovation my ballerinas and I have earned was the perfect ending to my ballet recital. I was on cloud nine before i realized I had not seen my mom and I don’t see her anywhere now. I was beginning to worry and at the same time I was angry. Angry that she stood me up. We waved the audience goodbye, took a group picture and everyone helped to clean the place up. Everything was done and the place was spick and span. I went backstage to pack up my things soon after. Adele’s voice flooded the room and I immediately dug for my phone, an unknown number. â€Å"Hmm, who could that be?† I thought. â€Å"Hello. Yes, this is Jolie Schubert. That’s right. What? What did you just say? Alright, I’ll be right over.† There I was, standing. Quivering. My mother was lying there motionless. My mother had not come for my ballet recital not because she had forgotten, but simply because she couldn’t have come. The forensic investigator covered my mom with a long white sheet and began sobbing uncontrollably. Just then my father came through the door, he too was weeping, weeping for his beloved wife. It has been exactly one week since the passing of my mother, there was no doubt that I was still pretty sore but I knew life had to go on. Today I am going to receive my most outstanding ballerina award. Although my mom is not here to witness me receiving this very award but I just really want to thank her for all the support she’s given. This is for you, mom.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Why I Should Be On Yearbook Staff

I think I should be chosen for the year book staff because I am a very creative person. Being creative and expressing myself is something I definitely love doing, and I feel that if I could be a part of creating the year book, I could show off my creativeness. I always have a positive attitude and I like making people laugh. Qualities like that are the reasons that everyone loves me; I’m an all around person. Being able to talk to people to get them to buy a yearbook is something I could definitely do. Also, I would be proud to state the fact that I was apart of helping people remember their experiences and memories throughout high school.Honestly I never really was a big fan of writing assignments and things of that sort. It often takes me a lot planning and thinking to actually get into an assignment, but if it’s a topic I enjoy, I will go all out to try to impress my teachers and whomever else may become a potential reader of my work. I’ve always gotten compli ments from my English teachers throughout my years telling me that my work was some of the best they’d ever read. Being that writing is one of the main parts of the yearbook, if I were chosen, I would try my best to make my writings interesting and something that people would enjoy.I’m not the most organized person in the world and at times I do procrastinate on things that I know I need to get done, but when I do come around to doing the task, I make sure I give it my full attention. Once I start something, I’m determined to finish it. Even if the task before me starts to seem as if it’s becoming too much for me, I won’t give up. I’lll keep striving until the task is complete. Putting my academics first is definitely one of my most important priorities, as well as sports because being that I will be a junior next year, I have to be a leader for my team. If chosen for the staff, I would also make my best effort to prioritize this as well bec ause I definitely wouldn’t want to disappoint anyone because I didn’t get my job done.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Dependace on computer a blessing or bane Essay

Computer has become the lifeline of modern generation. This has become part and parcel of every man’s life. We are sharing innovations between countries because of computers and internet. It has given us the capability of connecting with people from around the world as easy as it is to talk over the back fence in your own yard. Because of computers and internet one can take any course in any institute through e-learning.The world is developed faster because of computers. One good thing about computers is that it frees up the human mind to be more creative. We don’t have to spend all our time organizing and looking for information, crunching numbers .A day will come, we will become handicap, we perhaps would not be able to do anything without it. On the other hand, computerization of our society can make us numb to each other, where we sit in front of our safe little boxes and deal with each other that way instead of face to face. We are becoming lazy by depending too much on computers and are being distant from physical activities. It has become a huge distraction for most of us, and in some cases a full blown addiction. The main disadvantage by depending on computers is taking risk about health. Working with computer most of the day causes stress, visual problems etc. Let’s not forget that with computers has come a whole new and unexpected wave of high tech crime, and allowed the slimiest among us to hide even more carefully, becoming even slimier and making things worse for everyone. If by chance something happens in the atmosphere or some unknown natural calamity occurs, this, then will affect the entire system of wireless communication like the Net. My question is that what will we do or the whole world does at that time if all the computers fail functioning. Has man ever thought of it, yes, of course our progress will be ‘stand still’. It is better, we start thinking for the future, to solve the enigmatic problem. Without computers it wouldn’t be possible for the world to become a global village. Computer is a boon for us. We should utilize technology to compete with this fast world. But too much dependency on anything is good for nothing. Every coin has two sides. It’s up to us to receive good and to leave bad.